Ava Rejuvenation

(408) 997-1803 [email protected]

6 Basic Face Care Tips You Should Follow In Winter

6 Basic Face Care Tips You Should Follow In Winter

Winter season is a whole lot of fun due to pleasant weather but when it comes to skin care, it is indeed a dry season because our face tends to get dried up and lips get all chappy.This is why you need to follow winter face care. And to help you out, here are some simple winter face tips that you can follow to avoid excessive dryness and dead looking skin.

1. Cleansing:

Cleansing is an important routine to be followed all through the year regardless of what season it is. In winters especially, you can limit the number of times you wash your face from 3 times to 2 times and alternatively cleanse your face with cold milk and cotton ball to cut down on excessive dryness.

2. Scrubbing:

Scrubbing is essential for all seasons too!!! But for your winter months your scrubbing routine needs some changes. Avoid daily scrubbing as it may cause severe abrasion and make skin even drier. Thus follow the routine once or twice a week with a mild exfoliating scrub.

3. Toning:

Toning in winter is recommended; it is a must for all those who have aging and sagging skin concerns. Otherwise you can leave your pores open in winter for more oil secretion.

4. Moisturizing:

Moisturising is not just essential for very dry and flaky skin but regular skin type must indulge in this routine too. You can indulge in natural moisturising by using warm almond or extra virgin olive oil and use it as a night massage routine. Alternatively, you can mix the oil with your normal cold cream or lotion too.

5. Keep inside hydrated:

Drink plenty of water since it’s essential to keep your body and skin hydrated in the dry weather.

6. Sunscreen:

The sun may be hiding in winters but it still manages to peep through the clouds allowing the UVA and UVB rays to harm your skin, thus never skip on your sunscreen application part.
